--- The Vegetarian Travel Guide


A Vegetarian Travel Guide™ Exclusive Article

Let's Go Vegan!

Jay Dinshah
American Vegan Society (former pres.)


MILLIONS of modern Americans are questioning their dietary habits. The typical high-fat/protein/cholesterol, low-fiber, and largely refined diet is increasingly indicted as the prime contributing cause of heart disease, strokes, and circulatory ailments; diabetes; various types of cancer; and many other serious health problems.

Public attention is also drawn to the injustice and cruelty of preventing animals from living their natural lives, in glaring contrast to the appalling conditions in which captive "food-animals" are usually bred, raised, and slaughtered.

Also, the greatest wasting of natural resources, the worst producer of desert and famine, a prime motive for despoiling vitally needed tropical rain-forest, and the most wasteful using and polluting of precious water supplies, all involve the raising, feeding, and preparing of livestock for food. The terrible ecological results of this callous shortsightedness may in many areas be passing the point of irreversibility.

As it takes about 3 acres to feed one person the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), but a fraction of an acre to feed a vegan, the land-use benefit ratio is about 10:1.

Also, it takes roughly 25 gallons of water to produce an edible pound of wheat or potatoes, or 65 for oranges; but 130 for milk, 544 for eggs, 815 for chicken, 1630 for pork, and 5214 for beef.

Marc Reisner (author of Cadillac Desert) complains that "we give three times more water to cows" than to all the human population, in "water-short" California. (Figures in these two paragraphs, from Our Food Our World, by EarthSave Foundation.)

Whether examining the squandering of electrical energy, fossil fuels such as petroleum, or the use of other precious resources, the ecological factors in growing vegan foods are so beneficial that they can provide practical solutions to many of the serious problems not just looming on the horizon, but even now afflicting the poor and the affluent nations alike. THOUGHTFUL, caring people realize there has to be a better way, and there is.

Veganism is an ethical way of living without animal products such as meat, fish, fowl, eggs, and dairy foods.

Vegans live on the enjoyable variety of delicious and nutritious foods from the plant kingdom, including (as basic sources) vegetables, grains, fruits, legumes (peas, beans, lentils), nuts and seeds. A typical vegan cookbook (dozens are available) gives a wide variety of delightful recipes for soups, entrees, salads and dressings, vegetable dishes and casseroles, "burgers," sauces, "dairy substitutes" (milks, butters, creams, cheeses), breads, pastas, pizza, and desserts (cakes, cookies, pies, jelled treats, puddings, ices and ice creams, etc.), all containing no animal ingredients or "by-products," not even honey.

This is the time-tested total-vegetarian system that is healthful and humane, ethically and scientifically sound, nutritionally balanced and naturally rich in vitamins and minerals, high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, low-fat and low-sodium, and contains no discernible cholesterol.

Vegans also oppose the use of leather shoes, fur coats, wool garments, and all other products of animal cruelty, suffering, and death. Vegans say it makes no difference to the animal whether we kill it to eat it or to wear it, and there is no "innocent by-product" of animal cruelty and death.

NATURAL RESULTS of veganism are better human health and happier circumstances for the animal kingdom, but also a tremendous reduction of the environmental burden on this planet. There is a better way than perpetual animal slavery, suffering, and slaughter; human hunger and malnutrition; waste of natural resources; and pollution of our environment:

Let's Go Vegan.


Write today for free information:

The American Vegan Society
56 Dinshah Lane (P.O. Box H)
Malaga, New Jersey 08328

Phone: 609-694-2887
Fax: 609-694-2288


© American Vegan Society