Gate - 1374
Willamette St., Eugene, OR 97401.
Market Food Coop - 454
Willamette St.(around back by the train station),
Eugene, OR 97401. 541-687-1145. Eugene's only food
buying cooperative. Bulk orders and stop-by
shopping. Call for hours.

Whistle Farm - 2241
River Loop #1, Eugene, OR 97404. 541-345-3415.
Lonesome Whistle Farm grows a diversity of garlic,
vegetables, blueberries, flowers and herbs for the
community. We also sell garlic seed and vegetable
seed. We are Certified Organic by the Oregon
Oregon's Saturday Market -
Saturday Market begins its thirty-seventh season on
Saturday, April 1, 2006. The Market is open every
Saturday, rain or shine, from April through
mid-November on the Park Blocks at 8th & Oak in
downtown Eugene. The hours are 10am to 5pm. On the
weekend before Thanksgiving the Market opens its
Holiday Market which runs weekends through
Christmas Eve at the Lane County Fairgrounds. The
Market now has over 800 active members and nearly
300 of these members sell each week, rain or shine.
Seventeen food booths serve international foods.
Live music all day on the Market Stage. Lane County
Farmers' Market across the street.

Market - 2489 Willamette
St., Eugene, OR 97402. 541-345-1014. Hours:
8am-10pm daily.
Frontier Market - 1101 W.
8th Ave.(8th & Van Buren), Eugene, OR 97402.
Frontier Market - 200
West Broadway, Eugene, OR. 541-345-1235
Natural Foods - 748 E.
24th Ave., Eugene, OR 97405. 541-343-9142. Oregon
since 1971. All-organic produce department,
featuring as much locally grown organic produce as
is available. The Sundance Kitchen and Deli is all
vegetarian, mostly vegan, and features many raw
foods entrees. The prepackaged cooler is available
from 7 AM until closing time at 11 PM. The soup,
green salad, raw entrée, and prepared salad
bar is open from 9 AM until 9 PM, and the hot
buffet is available from 11 AM until 9 PM. The Herb
department has a large selection of bulk,
mostly-organic, culinary and medicinal herbs &
spices and we pride ourselves on our large bulk
foods department with mostly organic grain, beans,
nuts, seeds, flours, sweeteners, and mixes. .
Market of Choice - 1060
Green Acres Rd., Eugene, OR 97408.
Market of Choice - 2858
Willamette St., Eugene, OR 97405. 541-338-8455.
Market of Choice - 1960
Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR 97403. 541-687-1188.
Red Barn Natural Grocery - 357 Van
Buren St., Eugene, OR 97402. 541-342-7503. Hours:
M-F 7am-10pm, Sat 8am-10pm, Sunday 9am-10pm. "Red
Barn Natural Grocery is committed to the protection
of the earth's resources and the achievement of a
sustainable society by offering our community an
exceptional selection of quality natural and
organically produced products facilitating and
promoting healthy lifestyles; combined with
exceptional, individualized customer service,
education and community outreach."
Kiva - 125 W. 11th
Ave., Eugene, OR 97401. 541-342-8666. Deli.
Joes - 85 Oakway
Center, Eugene, OR 97401. 541-485-1744.
Craftworks, Inc. - 760 Bailey Hill
Road, Eugene, OR 97402 - 5451. Mail: P.O. Box
24621, Eugene, OR. 541-345-2712 or 800-627-2387.
Designer and manufacturer of massage tables.
Midwifery - Eugene,
OR. 541-338-9778. Resources for Oregon midwifery,
birth and parenting.
Magazine - Get Real Inc. -
P.O. Box 5383, Eugene, OR 97405. Toll free:
888-308-6207 Eugene area: 541-342-1299.
Alternatives: Resources for Cultural Creativity is
published quarterly, on March 1st, June 1st,
September 1st, and December 1st. It is distributed
free of charge everywhere you'd expect it to be. If
it isn't there, let us know! Alternatives is
concerned with values of spiritual transformation,
ecological sustainability, holistic health,
political and economic justice, self-actualization
and authentic expression, enlightened parenting and
truth-based intimacy, we are open to the ecstatic
Find over 1,000 vegan & vegetarian restaurants around the world on Happy Cow. |

Temple and Teaching Center - 4855
SW Watson Ave in Beaverton, OR 97005.
Dharmalaya -356
Horn Lane, Eugene, OR 97402. 541-342-7621. "Our
mission is to promote dharma holistically in
personal, social and ecological spheres of life.
The root meaning of "dharma" is "that which
sustains". Following dharma in individual life
brings an awakening of spiritual knowledge, leading
to self realization. Thus spiritual growth is
integral to human dharma. The Dharmalaya Center is
available as a rental facility for events,
gatherings, and meetings that are complimentary to
our mission statement."
Buddhist Priory - 85415 Teague
Loop, Eugene, OR 97405-9536. 541-344-7377.
Zendo - 2190 Garfield,
Eugene, OR 97405. 541-302-4576.
Yoga Meditation - 1001 Washington
St, Eugene, OR. 541-343-9756.
Eugene - Eugene, OR.
online calendar of spiritually progressive events
in the Eugene, Oregon area.
Universalist Church - 477 East 40th
Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97405. 541-686-2775.
West - 3635
Hilyard St. (corner of 36th and Hilyard, across
from Tugman Park), Eugene, OR 97405. 541-686-0432.
Kundalini yoga.

Veg Education Network (EVEN) -1574 Coburg Rd., #120, Eugene, OR 97401. The Eugene Veg Education Network is an official 501(c)(3) non-profit in Eugene Oregon serving as a resource for those seeking information on a healthful, vegan lifestyle. EVEN's emphasis is one of non-violence, compassion and sustainability. Focus is on the interconnectedness of all life and how a plant-based diet benefits the earth, non-human animals and the individual.